Thursday 17 May 2012

The Weirdest Things I Have Ever Found

 I found it in Blackpool a few months ago and still remains undefeated of weird things I’ve have found. It was a back scratcher/shoe horn!? What!? Why would anyone need that? Who is cramming their feet into ill fitting shoes and thinks “My back is itching; I wish I could scratch it.”
The other I found a few weeks ago at work. It was vacuum packed pigs ears? Why? And why do we have them at a garage? I’ve never heard anyone say, “I’m just popping to the shop; I’ll get milk and bread. And pigs ears.”
- Guildenstern

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Change of Plan

Greetings, bey's, maid's and anyone in between. 

So here's the situation.  Due to unforeseen circumstances (mainly the insane and unpredicted workload that comes with a history degree) we are disbanding the podcast.  I just simply haven't got time to edit it and now live primarily in a separate county from Guildenstern so we haven't really been able to record it either.  Wah, wah, cry, cry.  Apologies for any disappointment or discomfort this message may have caused you .  I will admit that's probably quite unlikely as, to be fair, very few have downloaded it.  I mean seriously guys, where's the love?  However, just when you were all descending into a spiral of despair, never fear!  As a reasonable alternative we will be continuing to update the blog and facebook page so why not merrily skip on over to the link helpfully provided in the box to your right and follow us.  Audience participation is encouraged but not mandatory.

Much Love,

Your Loyal Servant Rosencrantz
