Tuesday 15 January 2013

Now with Added Contents!

Firstly and foremost; housekeeping and very Happy New Year to you, dear faithful reader. Or Rosencrantz, if she is the only one reading this. Hello, and here's to a good 2013! We, myself, Guildenstern and the afore mentioned Rosencrantz will try to update this blog more often during this year. That, however, is NOT a promise. No, we are not Liberal Democrats. We do not make promises we are unlikely to commit to. I, for one, will not do a Nick Clegg on here in six months time, telling everyone (you our single reader) that I am sorry. We all know the life gets very much in the way. Both myself and Rosencrantz are students, we are sometimes very busy appearing to be studying. No but in all seriousness, we do work hard. This was the main reason behind the dropping of the Podcast. Well, there were a few reasons; one, it took well over two years from initial planning to the recording of episode one. Two, episode one took 14 hours to record. We are not actors and there was a lot of laughing involved, (most of this is explained here). And three, Rosencrantz didn't want anyone she really knew listening to it. I've re-listened to it and it's rather embarrassing. But I've had a look of the things we wrote and I'm proud of some of the material. So hopefully we'll be bring this stuff to you in a blog/script/sketch of some form on here.
Now that is enough housekeeping, on to the contents...

- Guildenstern

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